Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle – Second Vespers
The Holy Father will preside at the celebration of Second Vespers of the Solemnity of the Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle, at the conclusion of the LVII Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
Tickets for this celebration must be requested from the Prefecture of the Papal Household.
III Sunday in Ordinary Time – Jubilee of the World of Communications
Pope Francis will preside at Mass in the Basilica of Saint Peter for the III Sunday in Ordinary Time – Sunday of the Word of God, Jubilee of the World of Communications.
Presentation of the Lord - Evening Prayer I
The Holy Father will preside at the celebration of First Vespers of the feast of the Presentation of the Lord.
Tickets for this celebration must be requested from the Prefecture of the Papal Household.
V Sunday in Ordinary Time – Jubilee of the Armed Forces, Police and Security Personnel
Pope Francis will preside at Mass in Saint Peter’s Square for the V Sunday in Ordinary Time – Jubilee of the Armed Forces, Police and Security Personnel.